There are six citrus trees in the backyard of my childhood home. I remember one hot summer day as a young kid going out to repaint the white trunks of the trees. The white paint increases the albedo (the ratio of light reflected off an object) and thus keeps the trees cooler. The fruit was not yet ripe, so the tree leaves and unripened fruit were all a uniform green at the time. As I crouched down underneath one of our orange trees, I was shocked to see a bright yellow lemon dangling from a small branch amidst all the green. I ran inside to tell my dad about the Summer Solstice miracle that had taken place right in our own backyard. "Oh," he said calmly, to my obvious disappointment. "Well those orange trees were grafted onto lemon stock." That didn't mean much to me at the time, but I later learned that most citrus trees are actually grafted onto a different type of rootstock to take advantage of a particular species' ability to resist disease or produce a higher quantity of fruit, etc. As a result, it may on occasion shoot off a branch that produces fruit of the original rootstock. Little did I know that my dad was one of the evil geniuses behind a growing trend toward genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our food supply. In addition to "playing God" with that orange tree, we also had a tangelo tree-a cross between a tangerine and an orange. They're delicious, juicy, and easy to peel in all their genetically modified heresy. Vaccines and me Some years before the "lemon incident", I was taken into a doctor's office and pricked with a needle. My mom was one of the first to learn about the new varicella (chickenpox) vaccine and was eager to use me as a guinea pig. To this day, one of my favorite and surefire ways to shock people is to tell them that I've never had chickenpox. To my peers, no one escaped childhood without getting chickenpox. It's an airborne and highly contagious disease that was practically a youth rite of passage until the vaccine was popularized. I was too young at the time to know my mother was an evil shill of "big pharma" intent on poisoning my blood for some unknown personal gain, but now the truth is all too clear.